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Golden Steel Plate


We are all in this together!


It is of high priority to protect our wellness and that of our communities. To this end, we have invested much time, resources and energy in researching and securing the most up-t0-date and safest protocols possible for our office.



  1. GERM BUSTING THE STUDIO CONTACT ZONE : All touch surfaces are disinfected with an EPA approved disinfectant. 

  2. AIR, PURIFIED : Top-rated purifiers (2) are running throughout day, filtering air through HEPA filtration system. Additionally, fresh outdoor air circulates between clients when outside temperatures allow. Also, we have floorboard heat so no central air is circulating.  (This was one of the major selling points for me in choosing this space!)

  3. THIS IS MY DANCE SPACE, THIS IS YOUR DANCE SPACE : Time between clients to ensure proper space for disinfecting and airing out room, as well as no overlap in common areas.

  4. CAR CHILLIN' : You are welcome to hang in your car until your time of appointment versus waiting room.

  5. MASKING : Masking is strongly encouraged, given our proximity and duration.  It is not required at this time.  I will be wearing a surgical or KN95 mask at all times. 

  6. WITH LIBERTY AND CLEAN HANDS FOR ALL : Therapist thoroughly washes hands before and after each client and disinfects hands pre-session. Clients must wash hands and disinfect hands pre-session. 

  7. GET YOUR PRE- SCREEN ON : Checklist for safety are cleared pre-session for both client and therapist to ensure both are well and no known exposure.

  8. YOU FEELING SYMPTOMS? : Please reschedule your appointment immediately.  Folks that come to office with symptoms will be sent home and charged for the session. 

  9. LINENS A'SPINNIN' : Linens are laundered on extended cycle on hottest setting


Doing our part to stay well and wild! 



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